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Inertia Printers Web App

Project website for Calvin's computer science senior project class.

Inertia Printers Senior Project


Many 3d printing systems today are not user friendly. With most 3d printers available right now, you have to know lots of things specific to 3d printing in order to correctly operate them, making it difficult to do without investing and effort into research. There exist easier to use 3d printers, but they are exorbitantly expensive and don’t provide a seamless software experience. This is important to address because 3d printing is a great technology that can help ideas come to life, and without an easy way to interface with a printer, many people who could benefit from this technology will be left out.

Our vision, therefore, is to create a website that so seamlessly integrates with a 3d printer that the average high school student or teacher could use it effortlessly. The ultimate goal is to make 3d printing as easy as uploading a file and hitting print. In order to achieve this, we will put much time and effort into making the user interface friendly and easy to use, and are working closely with the engineers making the 3d printer in order to provide a seamless experience. We have already had some internal UI reviews that have provided us with insights on what users will want and need.


Joel Muyskens

Software engineering intern at ADAC Automotive with interests in full stack web development, embedded software, robotics, and space.

Duncan Van Keulen

Future Full Stack Software Developer at Tekton. I partake in many hobbies including gaming, music production, custom keyboards/PCs, FPV drone flying, game development, and more.



Our updated project proposal document

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